RCSG Case Study

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RCSG Helps to Establish a Community Solar Program for New Jersey

RCSG Helps to Establish a Community Solar Program for New Jersey


While New Jersey is a leader in solar energy, it did not have a community solar program.  Community solar brings the benefits of clean energy and cost savings to many families and small businesses that rent or do not own and can’t take advantage of traditional solar programs. 

Working with our clients, the Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA) and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), we engaged the Murphy Administration early on to gain their support, then engaged in education with key legislative leaders to position a pilot program for inclusion in a larger renewable energy bill.  We also worked with low income stakeholders to build support around this concept and other renewable energy stakeholders to ensure their support for the establishment of an initial pilot program that will become permanent in the Clean Energy Act of 2018.


The community solar program is expected to provide renewable energy to at least 200,000 households in its first three pilot years, the majority of which will be low-to-moderate income customers.   We remain engaged with our clients to facilitate the transition to a permanent program.